Eat Right and Enjoy the Holiday

healthy holidayThis is one of the most enjoyable, but also stressful, times of the year.  There’s a continuous flow of food everywhere from home to office parties and family gatherings and if you’re anything like me you love to eat!!  Enjoy this time with your family and friends.  Here are a few  tips to help you stay on track and still have fun over the holidays.

Just say NO!

Have an idea of what you will eat and what you will absolutely stay away from, and stick to it! For example, my vice is chocolate.  I know that during certain times of the year where there is alot of chocolate going around (Valentine’s Day, Easter and Christmas)  I have to make up my mind to say “NO”.  Otherwise, I get one piece into me and it’s all over!!  Look for healthier options that will satisfy your cravings.

Be Picky

Reserve your fat, calories and carbs for your favourite foods.  Try not to eat foods just because they’re there.  If you do end up eating some foods that aren’t so good for you remember portions sizes.  Do not over indulge and don’t beat yourself up over it either.  This will just create alot of stress which will cause you to eat even more.  Just refocus, get yourself back on track and remember to reserve those calories.

Fill up on Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and Veggies are great options.  In addition to the vitamins and minerals they provide, they’re low in fat and contain fibre which can help you feel a little more full.  This may prevent you from reaching for that second or third helping, saving you from those extra calories, pounds and that nauseating stomach ache.

Graze Throughout the Day

Don’t go to a party at the end of the day on an empty stomach.  Make sure you get in your four or five small meals throughout the day so that by the time you face the buffet table you’re not doing it on an empty stomach.  When you’re hungry your portion sizes go out the window.  Your body can only digest a certain amount of calories at once, anything extra is stored as fat.

Doggie Bag-it

If you’re the host/hostess send your guests home with doggie bags.  I always have disposable Ziploc containers on hand.   This is a great way to get rid of extra food.  If it’s not in the house, I can’t eat it.  I may save enough for lunch and dinner the next day, but that’s it.  Another option is to drop your left overs at a shelter.  I’ve done this many times and they are always so grateful.

Keep a Food Journal

This is a great way to track your progress.  Most people think that they eat well.  Be honest with yourself and record everything you put into your mouth.  When it’s laid out on paper it’s easier to understand why you may not be getting the results you expect and you can identify the areas of your diet that need improvements.  I encourage people to write in red ink the foods that they know they shouldn’t eat.  This way, when they look back and see all the red ink they immediately understand why those last few pounds aren’t coming off so easy.

Move It to Lose It

Always incorporate some form of movement into your day.  Get to the gym or go for a walk. If you’re shopping park as far away from the entrance doors as possible or do a couple of laps of the mall. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.  Do something you enjoy doing- just move!!

Avoid the Empty Calories

In addition to all the food is alcohol.  Empty calories from alcohol have absolutely no nutritional value and can add up fast.  Alcohol prevents your body from absorbing required nutrients and vitamins from the foods you eat.  Since your body cannot store alcohol it has to metabolize it immediately which causes your other metabolic processes to slow down.  This can lead to weight gain and elevated blood sugar levels. There are some alcoholic beverages that are considered healthier options, but it’s still alcohol. If you absolutely must drink, be wise, limit yourself and stick with it.

Merry Christmas everyone. 

All the best in the new year 😉

About fitchick007

I aspire to educate and motivate others towards acheiving a healthy body and lifestyle.

Posted on December 24, 2012, in Nutrition. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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